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Etimo: Transform waste into opportunities.

Join us in discovering an innovative way to be sustainable and find new methods to reduce the waste we generate!

Argentina, one of the locations of our agency, is one of the Latin American countries where the most coffee is consumed per capita. On average, each Argentine drinks 208 cups of coffee per year. Coffee is a very important part of Argentine culture, from traditional cafés in gastronomic centers across the country to the new trend of specialty coffee, which is expanding with increasing momentum.

This is why Camila, a textile designer schooled at UBA, decided to found Etimo, where they design and produce biomaterials made from gastronomic waste. Their star product is the coffee cup: Borra. It’s a coffee cup made from coffee, durable, reusable, and compostable.

Noticing the strong coffee culture and consumption habits in Argentina, Camila decided to find a way to reuse the waste generated from drinking coffee and turn it into a circular product.

When we drink coffee, only 1% reaches the cup, while the rest becomes waste. An average coffee shop discards around 5 kilos of coffee grounds per day. In response to this, the founder of Etimo decided to visit coffee shops in Buenos Aires and partner with those willing to join the circular movement.

This is how each café contributes its coffee grounds, Etimo transforms them into cups in their lab, and those same reusable cups return to the cafés to be sold again. In this way, the sale of bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable cups, which can be used over 100 times, is promoted, avoiding the circulation of disposable cups that neither biodegrade nor get recycled in the city of Buenos Aires.

What do you think about this way of finding a new use for organic waste?

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Coffee mug by Etimo
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